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Directory Listing -- 2005_11

COVE SP1A Data Archive

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Files in this folder: Size (bytes): Modified:
+ 2005-11-01-111607-SP1A09-17.dat 2122287 2005-11-01 13:25pm
+ 2005-11-02-111707-SP1A09-17.dat 2152864 2005-11-02 12:52pm
+ 2005-11-03-111805-SP1A09-17.dat 2118563 2005-11-03 12:48pm
+ 2005-11-04-111907-SP1A09-17.dat 2119301 2005-11-04 12:44pm
+ 2005-11-05-112005-SP1A09-17.dat 2107871 2005-11-05 13:25pm
+ 2005-11-06-112107-SP1A09-17.dat 2126428 2005-11-06 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-07-112206-SP1A09-17.dat 2131690 2005-11-07 12:28pm
+ 2005-11-08-112309-SP1A09-17.dat 2132192 2005-11-08 12:46pm
+ 2005-11-09-112405-SP1A09-17.dat 2152390 2005-11-09 13:13pm
+ 2005-11-10-112507-SP1A09-17.dat 2153654 2005-11-10 12:44pm
+ 2005-11-11-112607-SP1A09-17.dat 2145038 2005-11-11 13:25pm
+ 2005-11-12-112704-SP1A09-17.dat 2127102 2005-11-12 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-13-112807-SP1A09-17.dat 2131137 2005-11-13 13:25pm
+ 2005-11-14-112907-SP1A09-17.dat 2141632 2005-11-14 13:25pm
+ 2005-11-15-113007-SP1A09-17.dat 2135326 2005-11-15 12:25pm
+ 2005-11-16-113106-SP1A09-17.dat 2143306 2005-11-16 12:39pm
+ 2005-11-17-113208-SP1A09-17.dat 2153417 2005-11-17 12:55pm
+ 2005-11-18-113308-SP1A09-17.dat 2153338 2005-11-18 12:57pm
+ 2005-11-19-113407-SP1A09-17.dat 2107090 2005-11-19 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-20-113507-SP1A09-17.dat 2090849 2005-11-20 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-21-113608-SP1A09-17.dat 2152706 2005-11-21 12:27pm
+ 2005-11-22-113706-SP1A09-17.dat 2150573 2005-11-22 13:25pm
+ 2005-11-23-113808-SP1A09-17.dat 2153417 2005-11-23 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-24-113906-SP1A09-17.dat 2129979 2005-11-24 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-25-114008-SP1A09-17.dat 2071099 2005-11-25 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-26-114106-SP1A09-17.dat 2095215 2005-11-26 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-27-114207-SP1A09-17.dat 2100660 2005-11-27 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-28-114308-SP1A09-17.dat 2133272 2005-11-28 13:24pm
+ 2005-11-29-114408-SP1A09-17.dat 2106886 2005-11-29 12:50pm
+ 2005-11-30-114506-SP1A09-17.dat 2154918 2005-11-30 13:25pm
+ processed 4096 2005-11-30 14:14pm