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Directory Listing -- 2005_01

COVE SP1A Data Archive

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Files in this folder: Size (bytes): Modified:
+ 2005-01-05-152327-SP1A09-17.dat 457919 2005-01-06 15:09pm
+ 2005-01-05-170019-SP1A09-17.dat 1086759 2005-01-06 15:12pm
+ 2005-01-06-121706-SP1A09-17.dat 961307 2005-01-06 15:14pm
+ 2005-01-07-121707-SP1A09-17.dat 1007988 2005-01-07 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-08-121707-SP1A09-17.dat 1082414 2005-01-08 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-09-121705-SP1A09-17.dat 1081308 2005-01-09 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-10-121706-SP1A09-17.dat 1049985 2005-01-10 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-11-121707-SP1A09-17.dat 1060684 2005-01-11 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-12-121705-SP1A09-17.dat 1027368 2005-01-13 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-13-121607-SP1A09-17.dat 1083204 2005-01-13 15:14pm
+ 2005-01-14-121607-SP1A09-17.dat 1082019 2005-01-14 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-15-121607-SP1A09-17.dat 1081624 2005-01-15 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-16-121507-SP1A09-17.dat 1081150 2005-01-16 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-17-121507-SP1A09-17.dat 1081703 2005-01-17 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-18-121507-SP1A09-17.dat 1082177 2005-01-18 15:13pm
+ 2005-01-19-121406-SP1A09-17.dat 1081895 2005-01-19 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-20-121407-SP1A09-17.dat 1021742 2005-01-20 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-21-121307-SP1A09-17.dat 1081624 2005-01-21 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-22-121307-SP1A09-17.dat 1082730 2005-01-22 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-23-121206-SP1A09-17.dat 1080676 2005-01-23 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-24-121207-SP1A09-17.dat 1068356 2005-01-24 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-25-121107-SP1A09-17.dat 1062743 2005-01-25 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-26-121008-SP1A09-17.dat 992617 2005-01-26 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-27-121006-SP1A09-17.dat 1083283 2005-01-27 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-28-120907-SP1A09-17.dat 1081624 2005-01-28 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-29-120807-SP1A09-17.dat 1062493 2005-01-29 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-30-120708-SP1A09-17.dat 1082098 2005-01-30 15:10pm
+ 2005-01-31-120705-SP1A09-17.dat 1081782 2005-01-31 15:11pm
+ processed 84 2006-01-25 17:30pm